diablo2003 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/diablo2003/art/Spider-man-issue-4-page-1-6415773diablo2003

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Spider-man issue 4 page 1



This is the first page for Marvel Age: Spider-man number 4 which will feature Spider-man fighting Dr. Doom. This is by far my favorite page from the entire 4 issue series Dan and I did so I thought it was high time I put it up. This, in my opinion, is some of Danimation's finest work as is evident in the reflections in the goggles and other small details. I made the image purposely big so you can see all the little things Dan and I did in this piece. If you ever make it out to one of the bigger cons in the U.S. come by and find me since I usually sell copies of this as prints.
Pencils my me and colors by the amazing DANIMATION!!

Image size
600x900px 319.51 KB
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Omg! I love Spider-man 🙂